Dork Shorts

At some point on Saturday (tentatively at the end of the day, but of course subject to group decision), we’ll hold a “Dork Shorts” session, an informal THATCamp tradition.

What are Dork Shorts?

Dork shorts, known in some corners as “lightning talks,” are brief (2-minute or 3-minute) presentations in which attendees discuss current or upcoming projects, demonstrate new tools, or call for collaborators. Like most of THATCamp, Dork Shorts are meant to be as informal as possible. Although the concept might be unfamiliar to new THATCampers, veterans think it’s one of the most fun and useful parts of each meeting: Dork Shorts let you learn a lot in a little bit of time.

Do you have a cool project, tool, or other thing (yours or someone else’s) you want to share, but don’t want to make it a whole session? Is there something you’d like to hear another camper talk about? Post here, or bring your ideas on the first day of THATCamp SE!

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About Jason

Communication Librarian, GSU, Atlanta